A Beyondsoft Company

Operationalizing privacy and building customer trust


A major US media aggregator

with over 70 million customers consuming its digital publications. With these sorts of numbers, the client needed to keep their customers' data absolutely safe and compliant.

A hand tapping on a tablet

Business problem

The media and content industry is a massive sector. With digital publishers serving millions of customers, safeguarding their customers' data against potential breaches and fostering trust among their subscribers becomes mission critical. Operationalizing a privacy-first data strategy in a cookie-less, zero-trust, privacy-driven, yet personalization-hungry market presents unique challenges.

Expected goals

The key goals expected from this engagement included:

  • 100% compliance with varied global privacy laws such as CCPA, AICPA, and GDPR

  • Build and maintain customer trust while retaining an excellent user experience

  • Operationalize a digital privacy and trust strategy across 15 high-traffic websites


Enhanced compliance with privacy laws

Boyle Software recommended the following solutions:

  • Build out the required solutions with the OneTrust and TrustArc platforms, a low-cost offering with rapid compliance adherence as well as privacy and trust governance capabilities

  • Along with CCPA and GDPR compliance policies, SOC compliance was also achieved

Further, the solution was developed and in production within 2 months from kick-off. Key platforms utilized were:

  • OneTrust (a Boyle Software partner)

  • TrustArc

Woman looking at her phone.

Outcomes of the Engagement

Maximized compliance with the stringent digital privacy laws

A representation of building trust

Elevated security posture Improved security posture and data protection measures to meet various compliance standards, worldwide.

Reduced Security Compliance Implementation Effort Comparing efforts around security compliance before and after OneTrust integration, huge efficiencies were achieved: simplified management processes, automated tasks, streamlined workflows, and reduced manual audits.

Increased NPS Enhanced the Net Promoter Score impact based on customer feedback and satisfaction metrics before and after the implementation of OneTrust GDPR/CCPA compliance.

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Key project outcome metrics:


Improved security posture


Boosted NPS (Net Promoter Scores)


Reduced security compliance implementation effort